Thursday, September 23, 2010

And feeling it too.

me: you sure?
Wilson: draw yourself wearing the cap
like - all fashion and all
me: mmmmnnnn
Wilson: since you're always wearing caps
me: I doan want to draw me :P
but okies

That's how this whole thing started :P

I was looking for an excuse to try to do something completely digital using the wacom, to get more practice in. And trust Wilson to come up with an idea like that. Granted, I probably took it in a different direction than he was expecting.

While not exactly the most masculine of colors, pink is pretty fun to work with.

Oh my god...I need to go and find something to rip apart with my bare hands. Preferably some sort of small furry animal.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Wonder Woman! And a Dinosaur!

Hey world! How's it going?

I had a bad day yesterday, but today is going well!

Here are some pictures what I been drawed.

Short post is short!

Monday, September 13, 2010

A-2 Policebot

So, the gang (being Wilson, Mike and Lawrence) are working on a new sideproject.

It involves Robots! At some point we all sat down and had a chat about what kind of machine it would be, what it would look like and colors and such. We settled on a Policebot (in time, you will see why) and a couple of features that would be needed.

Lawrence suggested a flexible neck/spine and attachments that could be removed and changed around, so that while you have your basic mech for patrols and such, in case of riots or civil unrest it can be made to do crowd control.

Also, I love concepts with text on them, so of course I had to add my own :P

After I sent that to the guys, there was a request for a blueprint so the Mike could make the model.

And this is the rough model, which Mike says is an outline that has yet to be refined, but you can see the basic shape there.

There will be more updates and such when there is more news to divulge on this subject.

This would be an Awesome Look

If I had the time. Making this took a while. But I am assuming that if I draw everything properly and lay it out well, I can cut down the amount of time I'd waste coloring this way. Also, it helps in terms of wonky pencils. Once you've laid down the paths over the pencils, you pretty much have different parts you can move around easily.

For example, I had drawn Ambrose with a head that was about 30% too big for his body, but once the paths were done I could resize it to match.

This requires some thinking.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Elements I used for a friends Twitter page background. Was good practice for me, in terms of cleaning up my pencils. For comparison, here are the said pencils.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

All this is Nature-al

Went to Colo-i-Suva on saturday. As you may already know, I'm not really an outdoorsy type of person. I will admit though, that it was pretty cool to get in touch with mother nature. Although I did learn that sometimes you shouldn't touch mother nature, because she takes it the wrong way.


Yeah, so I saw some spiders and waterbugs and there were parrots flying around and shit. Totally a forest kind of situation. Everyone else went swimming but I was a little (very) hungover, so I kinda guised the swinging on a rope thing.

I could have done without walking all the way from the Raintree Lodge to the lower pools and then walking back again, but I guess it was all a part of the experience.

Anyway, it is ridonkulously hot at the moment, so I am going to go and put my head under the tap.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Boy Howdy!

Because I have been super busy and I promised not to update with chatboxs I have decided to post the design options I made for the Bathroom Signs here at the office.

The boss was all, "Albert, we need a mens and womens sign for the bathrooms. Do something with monsters. Go!"

These are the color options!
And these are the options for expressions!

The one for the ladies took a bit of a think. Ended up going with a heart shape for her.

Yes, I gave up on color options. It's a heart!

So we got them printed out and laminated and everything and stuck em up on the doors this morning. And by lunchtime, the guys one was GONE!

What the heck?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Now I just want a Cheese Bun

I promise that the next post will be more than a chatbox of hilarious hijinks.