Monday, October 1, 2007

Thinkin' about Thursday

so i was walking to the shop this morning, to get my fix of ebola cola and peanut ruffs (just like peanut butter only crunchy! wait...peanut butter can be crunchy...never mind) when i got to thinking about thursday.
on thursday i have plans to go and get coffee with...let's call her Betty. now, i've had coffee with Betty before, several times in fact. i have learnt from past experience that she cancels often and is bad at returning phone calls. this thursday is different though, because she asked me if i wanted to get coffee. switching gender roles ftw!
i enjoy Betty's company, she's smart, funny, is interested in stuff like anime and art, and is an awesome artist to boot. she also has a cute nose.
so why am i not that excited about this thing on thursday? there was a time when i would've have been all worried and junk about it.

i think part of it might be because i kinda called her because Lawrence was bugging me to. well, in his roundabout way he was bugging me to. what he was actually doing was making lewd suggestions and facial expressions like he usually does. maybe i'm feeling obligated to go through with this thing now?

anyway, that's enough introspection for now, i have work to do.


Clarence Dass said...

do it for the Moo Moo biscuits...

Wilson said...

boo boo bee dop! ;)