Wednesday, October 24, 2007

That nagging pain at the Back of your Head

i'm so tired right now it's not funny. work has been... busy lately. three of our presenters are sick or away on leave and its left to the rest of us to fill in the blank spaces on the roster. i was talking to noodle last night, and i told her about work and the current situation (or sitch as we call it in the bizz, by bizz i mean business) and she asked me why i'm always the one to rush in and volunteer when stuff like this happens. i think i made a silly joke or something after that, but it got me to thinking.

why do i help out so much?

i like to think that people appreciate it, the little extras that you put in, taking the time out of your life, what little you have of it, to help out in a time of need. but the truth is, that rarely happens. i mean sure, people are greatful, but i don't know, eventually they just take it for granted that you're always going to be there to do things.

i love my job, it's what i wake up in the morning to do, but i know the limitations that come from it, and the danger it carries. the truth is, when i comes to presenting, burning yourself out is a big risk, and lately i've been wondering if i've burnt out. i just feel so tired could be the three hours of sleep i got last night, in between shifts, but i could really use some z's at the moment.

this post is really more of a rant than an attempt to make some kind of sense or coherance. please bear this in mind.


Wilson said...

I tried to bear in mind, but the bear was restless and wouldn't sit still :(

Unknown said...

you need to train your bear properly!

try using rewards and compliment your bear on progress that it has made.

"good bear, you stopped mauling that tourist, here's a fish!"

then you give the bear a fish.

Clarence Dass said...

(+'.'+) -I'm a real bunny

jeanne said...

you are really sad.