Tuesday, April 6, 2010

It happens only in the Daytime...

Hey, I made one! Yay!

Man, what a weekend! Long weekends are always hectic on the normal sleep patterns I guess. Had an awesome time at John's place on Friday night, the whole gang went over and we played Lawrence's Xbox 360 until the wee hours of the morning, watched Robocop (which was best enjoyed with friends) and basically kai colo'ed the projector that John had managed to fandangle for us. Big Vinaka Vakalevu John! (Even if it is a bit bera)

So yeah, I didn't do any decent drawing all weekend. Lack of sleep, alcohol and other things to do pretty much kept me away from the drawing table. I actually still have a bit of a mental block at the moment, I'm just glad that the Big Boss made a funny comment today because of my hair. Thanks boss!

And now, I shall return to my Kingdom of Rust. Tomorrow's another day, full of excitement, hope and wonderment. Oh, and hopefully some comics!

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